

Effects of Inclination Angle on Light Extraction Efficiency of LED Chips
摘要 通过TracePro光学仿真软件的模拟仿真,研究了不同侧面倾角对LED芯片光萃取效率的影响。建立了侧面倾角为0°、15°、30°以及45°,边长为300μm正方形LED芯片模型;并对其进行光输出仿真。结果表明改变LED芯片侧面倾角可以提高其光萃取效率。当LED的侧面倾角从0°增加到45°时,光萃取效率呈现先增加,后减小的规律。在侧面倾角为30°时,光萃取效率最大,为20.6%;与垂直侧面LED相比,增加约13.2%。 The effect of the inclination angle of LED chips on the light extraction is investigated with the simulation software of Trace Pro. The square LED chip models with the side length of 300 μm are build and their inclination angle is set as 0°, 15°, 30°, and 45°. The light extraction efficiency simulations suggest the light extraction efficiency of the LED chips can be enhanced by changing the inclination angle. With the increasing inclination angle from 0 to 45 degree, the light extraction efficiency increases at first, then decreases. When inclination angle is 30°, the light extraction efficiency maximizes at the value of 20. 6%, which is increased by 13.2% approximately in comparison to the vertical LED chips.
出处 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2013年第35期10496-10500,共5页 Science Technology and Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(11004170) 江苏省高校自然科学基金(12KJB140012)资助
关键词 发光二极管(LED) 光萃取效率 TRACEPRO 侧面倾角 光学仿真 LED light extraction efficiency TracePro inclination angle optical simulation
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