目的分析海口市疑似预防接种异常反应(AEFI)的发生特征,评价AEFI监测系统运转情况。方法收集海口市四个区上报中国免疫规划监测信息管理系统2008-2011年监测数据,采用描述性流行病学方法对监测资料进行分析。结果海口市2008-2011年共报告AEFI 1 205例,≤2岁占80.41%(969/1 205),男女性别比例为1.45:1,报告发生率为4.38/万剂次,主要集中在9~11月份,发生率最高是百白破联合疫苗(9.65/万剂次),其次A群流脑疫苗(4.75万剂次)。1 205例AEFI病例中,95.27%为不良反应,其中以一般反应为主(80.14%),临床损害以发热和红肿/硬结为主,各占69.18%、24.72%(624/902、223/902);异常反应报告以过敏性皮疹为主,占75.61%(186/246),其次卡介苗淋巴结炎占12.60%(31/246);报告病例中治愈或好转病例共1 204例(99.92%),死亡1例(0.08%),无群体性预防接种异常反应、疫苗质量事故和接种事故发生。结论海口市AEFI监测系统运转正常,无发生严重异常反应。
Objective To analyze the occurrence feature~ of adverse event following immunization (AEFI) in Haikou, and to evaluate the implementation of AEFI surveillance system. Methods The AEFI data of 2008-2011 were collected through the AEFI information system. The descriptive methodology was analyzed by the descriptive methodology. Results A total of 1 205 AEFI cases of 2008-2011 were reported, the primary population of AEFI were ~〈2 years old that accounted for 80.41%. The ratio of male and female was 1.45:1. The reported AEFI incidence rate was 4.38 per ten thousand doses. Most cases were reported from September to December. The highest reported vaccine was DTP (9.65 per ten thousand doses), and followed by the MEN A (4.75 per ten thousand doses). In the vac- cine reaction, there was 95.27% adverse reaction, of which the common adverse reaction was 80.14%. The primary ill- ness of vaccine reaction were fever, local redness and induration, which accounted for 69.18% and 24.72% respective- ly. The primary illness in rare adverse reaction was allergic erythra, which accounted for 75.61%, and the superlative lymphadenitis accounted for 12.6%. 1204 out of 1205 cases were cured or better, 1 case was dead. There were no AE- FI cluster, vaccine quality event and program error. Conclusion The AEFI surveillance system of Haikou works well, and there was no serious rare adverse reactions.
Hainan Medical Journal
Rare adverse reactions