
母婴血循环中Ang(1-7)水平对早产的影响 被引量:1

Impact of both maternal and neonatal plasma angiotensin(1-7) levels on preterm delivery
摘要 目的:探讨孕晚期母婴血浆血管紧张素(1-7)[Ang(1-7)]和血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)浓度对胎儿早产以及宫内发育的影响。方法:前瞻性研究孕产妇309例,以妊娠至37孕周为界,将其分为早产组17例和足月产组292例。采用酶联免疫法检测分娩前母血及产后脐血血浆Ang(1-7)与AngⅡ浓度。分析早产与足月产两组孕妇一般临床资料、妊娠期并发症、新生儿发育指标等。通过校正混杂因素,应用单因素及多因素Logistic回归分析早产危险因素。结果:与足月产组比较,早产组孕妇血浆Ang(1-7)、AngⅡ及Ang(1-7)/AngⅡ质量浓度显著低于足月产组,分别为(399.86±218.93)、(710.34±598.22)ng/L,P<0.001;(49.87±29.32)、(72.51±60.79)ng/L,P=0.028;Ang(1-7)/AngⅡ(8.34±1.65)、(9.79±2.83),P=0.012。与足月产组比较,早产组新生儿脐带血浆Ang (1-7)、AngⅡ质量浓度显著低于足月产组,分别为(486.15±337.34)、(833.34±698.12)ng/L,P=0.001,(54.75±38.03)、(84.41±69.01)ng/L,P=0.025,而两组间Ang(1-7)/AngⅡ无显著差异,分别为(9.54±2.55)、(9.85±3.11),P=0.733。经多重Logistic回归分析,剔除子痫前期等混杂因素影响后,胎膜早破、新生儿Ang(1-7)低浓度是早产的危险因素是早产的危险因素,OR值分别为8.54(95%可信区间:2.73~26.76,P<0.001)、0.31(95%可信区间:0.14~0.69,P=0.010)。结论:孕晚期胎儿脐血Ang(1-7)浓度降低有增加早产的风险。 Aim:To investigate the impact of both maternal and neonatal plasma angiotensin (1-7 ) [Ang(1-7)]and angiotensinII (AngⅡ)levels on preterm delivery and intrauterine fetal growth.Meth-ods:309 cases of pregnant women were prospectively participated in this study.The pregnant women were divided into two groups of preterm birth and full-term birth according to the gestational weeks as low-er than 37 weeks (n=1 7)and 37 weeks or more (n=292).Maternal and neonatal plasma Ang(1-7) and AngⅡconcentrations were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.The risk factors of preterm birth were done by logistic regression analysis.Results:Compared with full-term birth group,maternal plasma Ang(1-7 ),AngⅡconcentrations and ratio of Ang(1-7 )/AngⅡin preterm group were significant-ly lower.Neonatal plasma Ang(1-7 )and AngⅡlevels of umbilical cord in preterm group were also sig-nificantly lower than those in full-term birth group.However,no significant difference of the ratio of neo-natal plasma Ang(1-7)/AngⅡin umbilical cord was shown.Logistic regression analysis was shown that the risk factors of preterm delivery are premature rupture of membranes (OR=8.54,P〈0.001 ),and low level of neonatal plasma Ang(1-7 )(OR=0.31 ,95%CI:0.1 4-0.69 ,P=0.01 0 )after adjusted for the confusing factors,such as preeclampsia.Conclusion:Low neonatal plasma Ang (1-7 )level might have the high risk for preterm delivery.
出处 《暨南大学学报(自然科学与医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期626-631,共6页 Journal of Jinan University(Natural Science & Medicine Edition)
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金项目(21611448) 中德技术合作项目Hocher基金(20094131068) 暨南大学第一临床医学院科研培育专项基金项目(2013103)
关键词 血管紧张素(1-7) 血管紧张素Ⅱ 孕妇 早产 胎儿宫内生长 angiotensin(1-7 ) angiotensinⅡ pregnant preterm delivery intrauterine fetal growth
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