
聚合酶链式反应检测酒酒球菌氨基酸脱羧酶基因 被引量:3

PCR Method for the Detection of Amino Acid Decarboxylase Gene of Oenococcus oeni
摘要 利用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)和多重PCR方法,采用3对特异性引物,检测40株酒酒球菌基因组中是否含有组氨酸脱羧酶基因(hdc基因)、酪氨酸脱羧酶基因(tdc基因)和鸟氨酸脱羧酶基因(odc基因)。结果表明:40株酒酒球菌基因组中有33株酒酒球菌含有组氨酸脱羧酶,22株酒酒球菌含有酪氨酸脱羧酶,16菌株含有鸟氨酸脱羧酶。建立的PCR法可快捷、高度特异地检测酒酒球菌中含有的hdc基因、tdc基因和odc基因。 Biogenic amines are small nitrogenous molecules frequently found in fermented foods. Excessive intakes of biogenic amines have undesirable physiological effect on human bodies. The main biogenic amines in wine are formed through decarboxylation of free amino acids by specific amine acid decarboxylases, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique can be used to detect the presence of amine acid decarboxylase gene, and excellent strains without the potential to produce biogenic amines can be screened. We detected the genes responsible for encoding amino acid decarboxylases, including hisfidine decarboxylase, tyrosine decarboxylase and ornithine decarboxylase, through single and multiplex PCR assays in 40 strains of Oenococcus oeni. The results showed that 33 strains possessed histidine decarboxylase gene, 22 strains possessed tyrosine decarboxylase gene and 16 strains possessed omithine decarboxylase gene among the 40 tested strains. The PCR method described in this study is a simple and rapid way to detect bacteria with amine acid decarboxylase genes.
出处 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第24期110-115,共6页 Food Science
基金 "十二五"国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAD31B07) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(2109021104) 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(nycytx-30-ch-03)
关键词 聚合酶链式反应 乳酸菌 氨基酸脱羧酶基因 生物胺 多重聚合酶链式反应 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) lactic acid bacteria amine acid decarboxylase gene: biogenic amines multiplex PCR
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