
论毛泽东群众路线的哲学基础 被引量:1

On the Philosophical Foundation of Mao Zedong's Mass Line
摘要 群众路线是毛泽东思想活的灵魂的三个基本方面之一。群众路线具有深刻的哲学基础,其一,实践论和群众路线有着紧密的内在关系,实践和认识的循环往复与从群众中来、到群众中去的循环往复具有一致性;坚持真理、修正错误与向人民负责具有一致性;实事求是与深入群众做调查研究具有一致性。其二,群众路线体现了以唯物史观作为依靠群众的根据,以唯物史观对历史动力的认识作为依靠群众的根据;以唯物史观对历史规律的把握作为代表群众的根据;以唯物史观注重发挥主体能动性的观点作为发挥群众创造力的根据。其三,为人民服务的道德理想是群众路线的伦理学基础,在群已之辨上,把毫不利己、专门利人与感动群众相联系;在义利之辨上,把革命的功利主义与为人民群众谋取利益相联系;在道德主体上,把加强自我修养与同群众打成一片相联系。 The paper elaborates the ideological foundation of Mao Zedong's Mass line in regard to epistemology,history and ethics.The first part is concerned with the relation between the theory of practice and the mass line.First,the cycle of knowledge and practice should be consistent with the principle of coming from the masses and serving for the masses.Secondly,to stand up for the truth and correct mistakes should be consistent with the responsibility to the people.Thirdly,the idea of seeking truth from facts should be consistent with the investigation and research which is carried out among the masses.The second part is concerned with the relation between the historical materialism and the mass line.First,to rely on the mass is based on the understanding to the historical motivity which is guided by the historical materialism.Secondly,to represent the mass is based on the understanding to the historical law which is guided by the historical materialism.Thirdly,to bring creative power of the masses into play is based on the emphasis on the subjective activity which is guided by the historical materialism.The third part is concerned with the relation between the moral ideal of serving the people and the mass line.First,based on the debate on Group and Self,we should combine the value of selfless with the emotion of the mass.Secondly,based on the debate justice and benefit,we should combine the revolutionary utilitarianism with the seeking interests for the mass.Thirdly,when it comes to the moral subject,he should not only strengthen his cultivation for himself but also be one with the masses.
作者 陈卫平
出处 《毛泽东邓小平理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期20-26,90,共7页 Studies on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"当代中国哲学史"[11&ZD085]的阶段性成果
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