
基于ABAQUS的双刃破岩滚刀的模态仿真分析 被引量:6

Modal simulation analysis of double-edged rock-breaking cutter based on ABAQUS
摘要 双刃滚刀是盾构机工作过程中常用的掘进刀具,其工作性能对整个盾构机起着至关重要的作用。为了减少双刃滚刀工作过程中的振动,运用有限元方法对其进行了动态特性仿真分析。首先利用Pro/E5.0软件对常截面双刃盘形滚刀进行了三维建模;然后应用有限元分析软件ABAQUS对其进行模态分析,获得该双刃滚刀的前6阶固有频率和振型;最后采用多项式函数拟合方法对滚刀刀圈最顶端点的最大位移、滚刀的主应力和主应变的变化曲线进行了分析。该模态仿真分析结果为双刃滚刀和刀盘的动态优化设计提供了参考依据。 Double-edged cutter is used most extensively in the shield machine as a tunneling tool and its working performance has a crucial impact on the whole shield machine. In order to reduce vi bration of double-edged cutter in working process, dynamic per formance was simulated and analyzed by using finite element meth od. First, the paper generated a three-dimensional model by using the software Pro/E based on a constant cross section double-edged cutter. Then, the three-dimensional model was loaded into the fi nite element analysis software ABAQUS. The previous six natural frequencies and models of vibration of this double-edged cutter could be obtained. Last, the variation curves of maximum displace ment of the point at the top of cutter ring, principal stress and prin cipal strain of double-edged cutter in different modals condition were analyzed by using polynomial fitting curve method. The results of modal analysis provided reference to dynamic optimization design of the double-edged cutter and cutter head.
出处 《机械设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期81-84,共4页 Journal of Machine Design
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51105072 51105258) 国家973课题资助项目(2012CB724306) 沈阳市科技计划资助项目(F12-277-1-43)
关键词 盾构机 双刃滚刀 有限元方法 模态分析 仿真 TBM double-edged rock-breaking cutter finiteelement method modal
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