
库存路径问题的固定分区-整数比周期组合策略研究 被引量:3

A combined strategy of fixed-partition and integer-ratio for inventory routing problem
摘要 针对供应商-物流中心-零售商组成的三层级系统的库存路径问题研究一种组合策略。各零售商对单品种货物的需求率固定,相互独立;物流中心从供应商批量进货,然后配送给零售商,不许缺货或延迟;目标是最小化系统库存及运输总成本。整合固定分区、整数比周期设计一种组合策略,构建了三层级系统的IRP数学模型,将三层级库存路径问题分解为两个子问题,借鉴车辆路径问题求解思路设计了启发式算法;试验结果表明,新策略的求解效率更好。 A combined strategy was proposed for the Inventory Routing Problem(IRP) in a three -echelon logis- tics system that consists of a vendor, a logistics center(LC) and multiple geographically dispersed retailers. In the system, each retailer requires a demmld at a deterministic, retailer - specific rate for a single type of prod- uct. Commodities were bought from suppliers in bulk by the LC, and then delivered to retailers whose demand is that there doesn't exist the occurrence of stockout and delay. The objective is to design a combined policy on transportation (routing) and inventory simultaneously for minimizing the system' s cost while meeting the demand of each retailer without shortage or delay. After discussing the characteristics of Integer - Ratio (IR) policy in inventory and Fixed -Pm^ition Policy (FPP) in routing,the model for the IRP system is proposed. The original problem was decomposed into two two - echelon IRPs, and the new heuristic algorithms were designed for the three -echelon IRP based on the thought of solving Vehicle Routing Problem. The computational testing results for a benchmark problem show that the new strategy is more efficient.
作者 傅成红 符卓
出处 《铁道科学与工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期103-108,共6页 Journal of Railway Science and Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71271220) 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2012D073) 福建工程学院校基金资助项目(GY-Z11046)
关键词 库存路径问题 组合策略 固定分区策略 订货周期 启发式算法 inventory routing problem combined strategy fixed - partition policy order interval heuristic algorithm
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