目的 分析2008-2012年株洲市主动接受艾滋病自愿咨询检测(VCT)服务人群的社会人口学特征和艾滋病感染状况,为进一步制定株洲市艾滋病健康教育和高危干预措施提供依据. 方法 收集株洲市内所有艾滋病自愿咨询检测门诊2008-2012年的求询者资料进行分析. 结果 24 413名求询者中,23 745人进行了HIV检测,检测率97.26%.HIV阳性者141名,阳性率为0.59%.求询者集中在20~40岁之间的青壮年人群,占70.09%,初高中文化者多见.141名HIV阳性检出者中通过性传播途径感染,占81.56%,且检测人数和阳性患者在逐年增多(P=0.000),进一步分析阳性检出率不断攀升的原因与株洲市商业性性行为日趋频现和男男性接触人群主动检测增多有关. 结论 应对青壮年人群进行广泛的艾滋病健康教育,加强针对男男性行为人群以及从事性服务工作者的行为干预措施.
Objective To analyze the socio-demographic characteristics and HIV status of HIV voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) population in Zhuzhou City during 2008-2012,and provide a theoretical basis for developing AIDS health education and high-risk intervention measures in Zhuzhou City.Methods We collected and analyzed the data on outpatients from STD/HIV clinics for AIDS voluntary counseling and testing in Zhuzhou City from 2008 to 2012.Results Among 24,413outpatients,23,745 were tested for HIV,with the detection rate of 97.26%.141 were tested positive for HIV,with the positive rate of 0.59 %.The age of the outpatients mainly ranged from 20 to 40 years,accounting for 70.09 %.Most of the outpatients had junior middle school or senior middle school education.Among 141 HIV-positive outpatients,81.56% were transmitted through sexual contact.The number of outpatients detected in the STD/HIV clinics and HIV-positive outpatients were increased year by year (P =0.000).The results of further analysis showed that the causes of the increasing HIV-positive detection rate were correlated with the increasing commercial sex and the increasing voluntary testing of the MSM in Zhuzhou City.Conclusions It is necessary to conduct comprehensive health education about HIV/AIDS in young and middle-aged people and enhance the behavior intervention measures among the MSM and commercial sex workers.
Practical Preventive Medicine
Voluntary counseling and testing
Health education
Behavior intervention