
一种基于有向感知模型的传感器节点覆盖算法 被引量:1

A coverage control algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network based on directional sensing model
摘要 覆盖控制作为无线传感器网络中的一个基本问题,反映了传感器网络所能提供的"感知"服务质量。优化传感器网络覆盖对于合理分配网络的空间资源,更好地完成环境感知、信息获取任务以及提高网络生存能力都具有重要的意义。针对无线传感器网络方向个数固定的有向感知模型提出一种覆盖增强算法,采用复杂网络社团结构算法划分对网络进行节点子集划分,重新调整节点的感知方向,增强网络的覆盖率,同时有效降低了算法的时间复杂度。 Coverage control is a basic issue of Wireless Sensor Networks,it reflects the qualitity of service on WSNs. Improving the performance of coverage control is significant for the resource allocation, environment sensing, information gathering and longer living time of WSNs. We proposal an algorithm to enhance the coverage of the WSN based on directional sensing model. First, we divide the nodes of network into different collections, then readjust the sensing direction of nodes. The simulation result show that this algorithm can effectively increase the coverage of the network and cut down the time complexity of algorithm.
机构地区 重庆通信学院
出处 《电子设计工程》 2013年第24期23-25,共3页 Electronic Design Engineering
关键词 无线传感网 覆盖控制 有向感知模型 社团结构 Wireless Sensor Networks coverage control directional sensing model community structure
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