
基于TMS320C6678的多核DSP加载模式研究 被引量:6

Based on the research of TMS320C6678 multi-core DSP load mode
摘要 德州仪器TI推出的八核DSP芯片TMS320C6678是目前基于Keystone架构的最高性能的DSP器件,是市场上应用广泛的C6455高端处理平台升级的理想选择。本文主要研究了C6678 DSP程序的各种单核加载和多核加载的几种模式,主要用到多核boot技术,对EMIF16 FLASH boot引导模式、主机(PCIe接口)引导模式、I2C引导模式、SRIO引导模式、网络引导boot引导模式的方法做了研究,对TI的高性能多核架构DSP芯片的程序加载提供了有效的参考帮助。 Texas Instruments (TI) launched eight nuclear TMS320C6678 DSP chip which is based on the Keystone architecture of high performance DSP devices, are widely used on the market of the C6455 high-end processing platform to upgrade the ideal choice. This paper mainly studied the single-core C6678 DSP program loading and multi-core loading modes, mainly use multi-core boot technology, guide the EMIF16 FLASH boot mode, host (PCIe interface) mode, the I2C guide mode, SRIO guide mode, network boot mode method to do the research, high-performance multi-core architecture of DSP chip of TI program loading provides effective reference for help.
出处 《电子设计工程》 2013年第24期166-169,173,共5页 Electronic Design Engineering
关键词 C6678 DSP FLASH BOOT 多核boot I2C引导 SRIO 网络 C6678 DSP flash boot multi-core boot I2C SRIO Network
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