
气象低速风洞参数及性能测试 被引量:10

Parameter and performance test for meteorological low-speed wind tunnel
摘要 通过对风洞不同风速段进行“频率—速度”参数拟合,校正了气象风洞的实验参数,并对风洞的风场气流均匀性及风速稳定性进行了测试.当风速相对较低时,整个风洞风场属于层流及缓冲层范畴,而在高风速下,风场属于湍流范畴.在0~1 m/s风速段,特别是在风速低于0.5 m/s时,风速变异系数C.V及风速相对偏差δ都达到了较高的水平,外界环境的变化对风洞风场的影响较大;而当风速在1~30m/s范围时,两个指标均相对较低,这说明随着风速的提高,风洞风场对外界环境变化的反映变得不敏感. According to the parameter fitting of frequency-velocity based velocity ranges, the parameter of meteorological wind tunnel is corrected and wind velocity stability of low-speed wind tunnel are tested. When th on the two different wind , and the airflow uniformity e wind velocity is relatively low,the tunnel wind field belongs to laminar and buffer layers. However, when the wind velocity is high,the field belongs to turbulence layer. Since the range of wind velocity is in the 0-lm/s, especially below 0.5m/s,the coefficient of variation C. V and the relative deviation 3 of wind velocity are kept higher level. The tunnel wind field is affected by the varying environment. As the range of wind velocity is in the 1--30m/s,the C. V and 3 of wind velocity are kept lower level. This suggests that the tunnel wind field is insensitive to the change of environment with the velocity improving.
出处 《气象水文海洋仪器》 2013年第4期122-124,128,共4页 Meteorological,Hydrological and Marine Instruments
基金 2012预警工程建设省级40米/秒气象风洞改造项目(ZQC-H12029)
关键词 风洞 参数拟合 风速稳定性 气流均匀性 wind tunnel parameter fitting wind velocity stability airflow uniformity
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