
马尾松产脂力与生长性状的家系变异及优良家系早期选择 被引量:36

Variation for Oleoresin Yielding Capability and Growth among Families and Early Selection for Superior Families in Pinus massoniana
摘要 利用设置在福建南平国有来舟林业试验场马尾松高产脂半同胞家系测定林,研究其产脂力与生长、树冠性状在家系间的遗传变异以及它们之间的遗传相关性,并进行脂用马尾松优良家系及优良单株选择。结果表明,马尾松产脂力与生长、树冠性状皆存在显著的家系差异,相对于生长、树冠性状,产脂力变异较大,变异系数高达61.91%,具有丰富的选择基础。产脂力受中度遗传控制,家系遗传力和单株遗传力分别为0.42和0.31,表明对马尾松产脂力通过家系和单株选择可取得较好的改良效果。性状遗传相关分析结果显示,马尾松家系产脂力与胸径、树高和材积呈较高的正遗传相关,表明在遗传育种进程中可同时对生长性状和产脂力进行改良。此外,产脂力与冠幅、冠高、轮盘数、活枝数也呈较高的正遗传相关。综合生长、树冠性状的遗传力以及与产脂力相关程度,认为胸径是高产脂优树间接选择的最佳指标。以单株产脂量和单株材积生长作为综合选择指标,共选出20个优良家系和16株优良单株,选出的优良单株产脂力遗传增益在52.54%154.40%,单株材积遗传增益在0.22%31.85%。 This study examined the genetic variations of eight-year-old Pinus massoniana trees in their growth, mor- phologic traits, and resin yielding capability, and analyzed the genetic correlation among these traits using a progeny test at Laizhou Experimental Forest Farm in Nanping City, Fujian Province. The superior families and individuals were selected for oleoresin producing. The results showed highly significant family effects for oleoresin yielding capa- bility, growth and crown traits. Compared with growth and crown traits, more variation existed for oleoresin yielding capability and the coefficient of variation was 61.91%, suggesting a wide base for choice. The oleoresin yielding capability was under moderate genetic control, the family heritability and individual heritability were 0.42 and 0. 31, respectively. Analysis result of genetic correlation among traits showed that a strong positive genetic correla-tion existed between oleoresin yielding capabilty and DBH, height and individual volume, which indicated both res- in yield and growth could be improved simultaneously in the breeding progress. Positive correlation was also showed between tree crown size, whorl number, living branch number and oleoresin yielding capability. DBH was the most reliable trait for indirectly selecting high-yielding oleoresin trees. Twenty superior families and sixteen superior indi- viduals were selected according to the oleoresin yield and individual volume. The genetic gain for oleoresin yield and individual volume were 52.54% - 154.40% and 0.22% -31.85%, respectively.
出处 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期686-691,共6页 Forest Research
基金 "十二五"国家科技支撑计划课题"南方针叶树高世代育种技术研究与示范"(2012BA01B02) 国家自然科学基金项目"马尾松产脂力和松脂化学组分的遗传控制及有效鉴别"(31070599) 国家林业公益性行业科研专项"脂用马尾松和湿地松育种体系营建技术"(201104020) 浙江省农业新品种选育重大科技专项"竹木育种协作组"课题"马尾松高世代育种及品种示范"(2012C12908-12)
关键词 马尾松 半同胞家系 产脂力 生长 早期选择 Pinus massoniana half-sib families oleoresin yielding capability growth early selection
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