
AES加密设备的差分能量攻击原理与仿真 被引量:2

Principle and simulation of differential power analysis attack based on AES encryption device
摘要 旁路攻击是目前信息安全技术领域一个备受瞩目的热点,绕过传统的密码分析方法,利用加密解密设备在进行数据处理时泄露出来的信息比,如运行时间、功耗等对密码系统进行分析和攻击。而DPA(differential power analysis)攻击是较为常见的一种旁路攻击。文中对DPA攻击和AES加密算法进行简单介绍,并在此基础上进行标准DPA攻击的仿真,为能量攻击分析提供一定的理论依据和实验数据。 Side channel attack is highly focused in the field of information security technology currently. Instead of using the traditional cryptanalysis methods, SCA uses the information such as running time, power consumption, which leaked from the process of data encrypting and decrypting to analyse and attack the encrypted system. Differential power analysis is one of the most commen form of SCA. This article presents the principles of DPA attack and AES algorithm in detail and simulates standard DPA attack based on AES algorithm and provides a theoretical basis and experimental data for energy analysis attack.
作者 黄露昀
出处 《信息技术》 2013年第12期170-173,共4页 Information Technology
关键词 旁路攻击 DPA攻击 AES算法 汉明重量模型 SCA DPA attack AES algorithm Hamming weight model
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