
关于推进学习型军队建设的思考——从MOOC看我军军事职业素质教育 被引量:22

Considerations and Suggestions on Construction- promoting of Study- Oriented Military——On Military Professional Quality Education from MOOC
摘要 信息化条件下,建立以提高综合素质为核心的军事职业素质终身教育体系,成为始终保持和拥有一支适应时代要求、能打仗打胜仗强大军事人才队伍的基本途径和主要趋势。大规模开放式在线课程(简称MOOC)的兴起,以其独有优势和特色为破解军事职业素质教育发展难题提供了一种新的思路和先进技术手段。我军应置身教育改革前沿,把握机遇、加紧实践、主动作为,加快突破发展瓶颈,努力赶超世界军事强国,成为军事职业素质教育的领跑者。 Under informationization conditions, establishing a life - long education system of military professional quality with focus on improving overall qualities, has become the basic means and main trends of remaining and holding a strong army throughout which it can meet the requirements of the times and is able to fight and win battles. Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) has special advantages and characteristics. It offers a new idea and advanced technical resorts to solve difficulties and problems of military professional quality education. Our military should place itself on the foreland of education innovation, holding the opportunity and boosting practice and winning initiative. In order to become a pacemaker of military professional quality education, our military will have to settle the major difficulty of development and make great efforts to catch up with and surpass the level of world oowers.
出处 《高等教育研究学报》 2013年第4期4-6,共3页 Journal of Higher Education Research
关键词 学习型军队 军事职业素质教育 MOOC study- oriented military military professional quality education MOOC
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