
文化嵌入、网络行为与集群企业创新能力的关联机制研究——理论分析框架与命题 被引量:4

Culture Embeddedness,Network Behavior and Cluster Firm'S Innovation——Analysis framework and propositons
摘要 经济行为嵌入在社会关系中,主体的行动是受背后的动机和意愿支配的。本文在进行相关文献回顾的基础上,从区域文化产生来源出发,归纳提炼了区域文化的内容维度,并基于资源依赖理论,从文化嵌入的内容和程度两个方面,提出了文化嵌入作用于集群企业创新能力的一个系统分析框架,即嵌入于不同内容和程度区域文化的集群企业,其网络建构、网络维系和网络学习行为具有重大差异,进而使自身对网络资源的获取和利用水平上存在着差异,并最终导致企业的创新能力水平截然不同。在此基础上,形成了一系列有待未来实证检验的文化嵌入作用机制的命题。 Economic behavior is embedded in social relationships whose main part behavi by the incentive and desire of its own. Based on relevant literature review and according or is dominated to the origin of regional culture, we induce dimensions of regional culture. And we propose a theoretical framework about cultural embeddedness' s contribution to the innovation capability of assembling firms from the contents and degree of cultural embeddedness, So to speak the assembing firms that is embedded in different con- tents and degree of regional culture have a huge different in network construction, network maintenance and network learning behavior, thus it makes differences on accessing and exploiting network resources, finally firms' innovative capability will be completely vary. A series of subjects about the function of cul- tural embeddedness are formed on this basis, which need to be tested in the future.
作者 向永胜
出处 《兰州商学院学报》 2013年第6期37-42,共6页 Journal of Lanzhou Commercial College
基金 浙江省科技厅软科学项目:多重嵌入对集群企业创新能力的作用机制及协同演进研究(2013C35079) 浙江省社会科学界联合会研究课题"文化嵌入 知识搜索战略与集群创新能力的关系及协同演进机制研究"(2012B074)资助成果
关键词 文化嵌入 区域文化 网络行为 网络资源 创新能力 cultural embeddedness regional culture network behavior network resource innovativecapability
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