
宰后不同处理条件下黄牛胴体肌肉理化性质变化 被引量:1

Research of Different Postmortem Condition on Physicochemical Properties Changes of Cattle Carcass Muscle
摘要 以牛宰后左侧胴体在2℃条件下冷却24h作为对照组;右侧胴体在2℃条件下冷却4h后,移到10~15℃条件下冷却4h之后再移到2oC条件下继续冷却16h作为处理组,测定了宰后不同胴体冷却温度对肉的理化性质的影响。结果显示,对照组在宰后8h温度降至10qc左右,而处理组在宰后13h降至10℃左右。宰后8h处理组的pH值显著低于对照组。宰后8h,对照组ATP含量显著低于处理组。pH值和ATP含量变化表明,处理组在冷却过程中有生化代谢过程加速阶段。处理组宰后第1天和第7天的剪切力分别与对照组第7天和第21天的剪切力相似。实验结果表明,调节宰后冷却温度可以加速代谢过程,避免强烈的冷收缩,同时可以大幅度缩短牛肉的嫩化时间。 To investigate the physicochemical properties changes of cattle carcass muscle after adjusting postmortem chilling temperatures,the left carcass chilled for 24 h at 2 ℃ was used as the control group,while the right chilled for 4 h at 2 ℃ and 4 h at 10-15 ℃,and then 16 h at 2 ℃ was as the treatment group. It took 8 h for the control group to cool down to approximately 10 ℃ and 13 h for the treatment one. Treatment group had lowered pH than the control at 8 h,muscle at 8 h postmortem had lowered ATP content than that of the control group,changes in treatment group of pH and ATP content suggested that adjusting postmortem chilling temperatures was a set of biochemical metabolism process accelerated phase. The shear force in the carcass of the treatment group at the 1st and the 7 th day was similar to that of the control group at the 7 th day and the 21 st day.The results showed that adjusting postmortem chilling temperatures could effectively avoid the cold shrinking and had significantly shorten the beef meat tenderizer.
作者 安玥 俞龙浩
出处 《黑龙江八一农垦大学学报》 2013年第6期56-61,共6页 journal of heilongjiang bayi agricultural university
基金 国家自然科学基金(Grant No.31171712)
关键词 宰后冷却 pH ATP 剪切力 嫩化 postmortem chilling pH ATP shear force tenderization
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