静止无功补偿器运行在三相电压不平衡情况下会影响到检测数据的准确性,从而影响其无功补偿性能和质量,为了避免这种情况,针对此问题进行理论分析研究,提出一种在电压不平衡时的新型无功补偿电流检测方法。克服了经典i p-i q检测时PLL存在的滞后性和误差性,并利用MATLAB对新型电流检测方法进行仿真试验,验证了这种新型的电流检测方法的快速性和准确性。
With the condition of three - phase voltage unbalance, STATCOM' s testing data will be af- fected. Voltage unbalance affects the STATCOM performance and quality. In order to avoid this situa- tion, depend on theoretical analysis and research for this problem, This paper puts forward a new type of STATCOM current detection method. Overcomes the classical detection when the PLL has the lag and er- ror. This paper take MATLAB to simulation test of new current detection method, verified the quickness and the accuracy of this new type of cmrrent detection method.
Industrial Instrumentation & Automation