

An ambulatory blood pressure monitoring system based on pulse wave transit time
摘要 连续血压监测能较好地反映人体的真实血压变化,在临床应用上显示出很多的优点。该文设计了一种基于脉搏波传导时间(PTT)的连续血压分析系统。通过对经典理论的分析并简化,得到PTT与人体动脉血压的关系式,并设计了一个对关系式中参数进行标定的方法。运用基于ARM的嵌入式系统开发工具同步采集佩戴者心电信号和脉搏信号,通过计算获得佩戴者心脏搏动时产生的PTT,最终分析并记录佩戴者的血压信息。该系统不仅能为医疗人员评估佩戴者的身体状况提供更有效的依据,同时也能为其他需要进行动态血压检测的场合提供一种更有效的解决方案。 For continuous monitoring of blood pressure can well reflect the real human body blood pressure changes, shows many advantages in clinical application. This paper designs an ambulatory blood pressure monitoring system based on pulse wave transit time (PTF). By analyzing the classical theory, it get the relationship between the PTT and human arterial blood pressure, and have devised a method to calibrate the parameters in the relationship. An ARM -based embedded systems development tools was used to collect ECG and pulse signal of the laboratory personnel synchronously. This system is able to an- alyze and calculate the information of the PTT from each heartbeat, and eventually analyze and record the wearer's blood pressure information. The system not only to provide a more effective basis for medical per- sonnel to assess the physical condition of the wearer, but also to provide a more effective solution for other occasions that need the dynamic blood pressure testing.
机构地区 兰州理工大学
出处 《工业仪表与自动化装置》 2013年第6期39-42,共4页 Industrial Instrumentation & Automation
关键词 脉搏波传导时间 血压分析 ARM pulse wave transit time blood pressure analysis ARM
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