结合IEC标准,对GB 50054-2011《低压配电设计规范》中理解和执行争议较大的第3.1.3条、第3.2.14条和第6.4.3条进行分析。以应用最广泛的TN系统为例,讨论电气隔离的相关要求;以规范条文为线索,探求其中的电气原理;介绍IEC标准中电气防火的要求和进展。
Analysis is made on clauses 3. 1.3, 3.2. 14 and 6. 4. 3 of Code for Design of Low Voltage Electrical Installations (GB 50054- 2011), which are controversial in understanding and execution, by making reference to IEC standards. Related requirements on electric isolation are discussed by taking most widely applied TN system as an example; electric principles are sought after by taking terms in the design codes as clues; and requirements and progresses made in electric fire prevention in IEC standards are introduced.
Building Electricity