
生物化学教学中采用案例教学法之案例设计与分析 被引量:16

Design and analysis of cases in teaching of biochemistry using the case teaching method
摘要 案例教学法是被普遍采用的一种教学方式,将其应用于生物化学教学中,并用图解的形式给出案例的归纳与分析,使抽象难懂、错综复杂、生涩冷僻的教学内容变得直观明了。加深了学生对教学内容的理解,增强了课堂教学的趣味性与学生学习的主动性,同时提高了学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。 The case teaching method has been generally used by illustrated summary and analysis in teaching of biochemistry. Result showed that the case teaching method could change abstract and complicated teaching contents into intuitive and clear. It can deepen students' understanding on teaching contents,enhance the interest of classroom teaching and students' initiatives of learning,meanwhile the case teaching method can improve students' ability which analyze and solve practical problems.
出处 《生物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2013年第6期106-109,共4页 Journal of Biology
基金 武汉工程大学教学研究课题(项目编号为2012018)
关键词 案例教学 生物化学 设计与分析 图解 the case teaching method biochemistry design and analysis illustration
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