

The Fault Tolerance of Complete-Transposition Networks
摘要 完全对换网络是基于Cayley图模型的一类重要互连网络。f CT(n,k)(或F CT(n,k))表示在n维完全对换网络CT n中,使每个(n-k)维子完全对换网络失灵的失灵边(或点)的最小数目。分别给出了当k=0,1,n-2,n-1和k=2,n为素数时,f CT(n,k)(或F CT(n,k))的精确值;当3≤k≤n-3时,给出了f CT(n,k)和f s(n,k)的关系,其中f S(n,k)是使星网络S n中所有子星网络S n-k失灵的失灵边的最小数目;最后提出一个猜想。 Complete-transposition networks are important Cayley graphs model in networks design. fcr( n, k) ( resp. Fcr(n,k) ) is the minimum number of faulty links ( resp. nodes ) that make every (n-k)-dimensional sub-complete-transposition networks faulty in CTn under link (resp. node) fail-ure model. The exact value forfcr( n ,k) (resp. Fcr(n,k) ) is determined when n is prime and k = 2, or k = 0,1, n - 2, n - 1. For 3 ≤ k ≤ n - 3. The relationship between fcr( n, k) and fs ( n, k) is presen-ted. f, (n, k) is the minimum number of faulty links that make every (n-k)-dimensional sub-star graph network faulty in Sn under link failure model. At last, the conjecture is proposed.
出处 《重庆理工大学学报(自然科学)》 CAS 2013年第11期110-116,共7页 Journal of Chongqing University of Technology:Natural Science
基金 甘肃省自然科学基金资助项目(ZS991-A25-017-G)
关键词 互连网络 CAYLEY图 完全对换网络 失灵点 失灵边 interconnection networks Cayley graphs complete-transposition networks node failure link failure
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