Reinforced earth retaining wall is a kind of reinforced earth retaining. It is widely used because of construction. The mechanism of bar strip and soil in flexible structure which uses the technique of the low cost, good feature, and convenience of reinforced earth retaining wall is the friction reinforcement principle which can improve the mechanic ability of soil, especially for sand with low cohesion and almost no tensile strength. So its ability can be improved a lot after adding reinforced bar. A standard paper board is used as front panel and the Kraft paper as the bar strip, according to the Hook's law reasonable design on Kraft paper's using quantity, laying position and the caking way with front panel. Analysis is made on earth pressure at rest by using the limit equilibrium method. An optimized reinforced earth retaining wall nodel is designed based on specification and practice, which can improve the model, reduce the use of bar strip in order to be more economical and ensure the high stability of reinforced earth retaining wall.
Journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Technology
reinforced earth retaining wall
earth pressure
limit equilibrium method
loading test