

Inverse Problem for Diffusion Operators from Interior Spectral Data
摘要 研究了有限区间[0,π]上的扩散算子的反问题,证明如果已知边界条件中的系数h,则部分特征函数在(0,π)内某点的函数值及二组谱的部分谱能够惟一确定势函数(q,p)及边界条件中的系数H. In this paper, we discuss the inverse problem for diffusion operators on the finite interval [0, π] from interior spectral data and show that if coei^icient h of the boundary condition is known a priori, then the potentials (q,p) and coefficient H of the boundary condition can be uniquely determined by a set of values of eigenfunctions at some interior point and parts of two spectra.
作者 王於平
出处 《数学物理学报(A辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1189-1195,共7页 Acta Mathematica Scientia
关键词 反问题 扩散算子 势函数 惟一性定理 特征值 Inverse problem Diffusion operator Potential Uniqueness theorem Eigenvalue.
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