
自闭症谱系障碍儿童对情绪面孔视觉加工的时程分析 被引量:5

Time Course of Emotional Faces Visual Processing in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
摘要 目的:考察自闭症谱系障碍儿童情绪面孔加工的时间进程特点.方法:让ASD组、聋哑组和正常组被试观看中性、恐惧、愉悦三种情绪面孔图片,并用Tobii眼动仪记录其眼动指标进行分析.结果:(1)ASD儿童觉察情绪面孔的时间显著长于聋哑儿童和正常儿童,对情绪面孔的注视时间显著少于聋哑儿童和正常儿童;(2)ASD儿童对情绪面孔眼睛的注视时间显著少于对照组,但对嘴巴的注视时间差异不显著;(3)三组被试注视恐惧面孔的时间显著长于另外两种情绪面孔,主要是对恐惧嘴部的注视较多;(4)ASD组对情绪面孔的注视时间和各时程上注视分配都显著少于聋哑组和正常组,但注意时间分配趋势、情绪面孔加工模式并无差异.结论:ASD儿童情绪面孔加工模式与正常儿童无异,但存在数量的不足. Objective:To explore the time course of emotional faces processing in autism children. Methods:Children with ASD, deaf-mute children and typical developing were required to look at a range of facial images with emotions, including neutral, afraid and happy emotions, while eye movement were recorded and time course of emotional faces processing were analyzed. Results: (1) Participants with ASD spent more time on detecting emotional faces, and less fixation duration on emotional faces when compared with deaf-mute and typical developing children;(2) ASD children spent less fixation duration of eye region compared to control groups, but no significant difference between three groups;(3) All three groups spent much more time on faces of fear than happy and neutral faces, especially the mouth region of fear faces; (4) There is a similar trend of attention allocation and perception model among groups. Conclusion: There is no difference in emotional face process model between ASD and typical developing children, merely in the time amount .
出处 《漳州师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第4期127-132,共6页 Journal of ZhangZhou Teachers College(Natural Science)
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学青年课题"自闭症谱系障碍早期诊断指标:基于社会认知观的研究"(CBA120104) 福建省高等学校新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助(JA13190S) 福建省教育厅A类人文社科重点项目(JA12208S)
关键词 自闭症谱系障碍 情绪面孔加工 时程分析 autism spectrum disorders emotional face process time course analysis
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