聚合物淬火剂由于其显著的优点应用日益广泛。但使用中往往会滋生细菌,不仅加速了聚合物淬火剂的老化,而且有加速工件生锈、影响环境卫生等弊病。聚合物淬火剂中细菌的滋生与所用聚合物和水的质量,淬火系统的循环状况,pH值,杂屑杂油以及空气中的细菌等因素有关。使用好富顿生物稳定的产品Aqua Quench 245是一个解决细菌滋生的最佳方案。
Polymer quenchant, due to its obvious advantages, is under increasingly popularizing. However, the bacteria will frequently grow in the polymer quenchant in operation, which not only accelerates ageing of the quenchant, but also results in such disadvantages as accelerating rustiness of workpiece, worsening environmental sanitation, etc. The bacteria growth in polymer quenchant has relations to various factors, including the quality of both the polymer and water used, the circulating condition of quenching system, the pH value, the inclusion of debris or oil, bacteria in air and so on. The application of Houghton' s bio-stable Aqua-Quench 245 quenchant is the best solution for the bacteria growth.
Heat Treatment