
基于高阶滑模控制器的水下潜器运动控制 被引量:1

Underwater vehicle motion control based on high order sliding controller
摘要 水下环境复杂多变,由于水流的不可预知性和多变性,潜器的水动力系数往往无法准确获取,使得依赖这种参数的潜器运动控制算法的应用受到了很大的局限。为了解决控制器对模型参数的依赖,设计了一种基于高阶滑模控制算法的模型无关控制器,并通过设置合理的过渡过程,解决了这种控制算法依赖初值的弊端。仿真结果表明,位置和姿态的控制能够快速的收敛,误差很小并且不依赖于初始条件,控制器需调节参数很少,并且算法简单,适用于工程的实际需要。 Underwater environment is highly dynamic, presenting significant disturbances to the vehicle in the form of underwater cur- rents. Additionally, the main difficulties associated with underwater control are the parametric uncertainties. The model-based controller needs precise hydrodynamic coeffcients, but in practice it is very hard or impossible. In order to avoid this problem, a model-free high order sliding mode controller is proposed, and a reasonable transient process is designed to make the controller have a good performance for any initial error condition. Performance of the proposed controller is verified using numerical simulations, and is implemented in a four freedom nonlinear underwater vehicle model. Simulation results show that exponential convergence of position and attitude is fast and that overshooting is very small for any initial condition. And the controller proposed needs few parameters to adjust. Algorithm is very easy to meet the engineering needs.
出处 《海洋工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期53-58,96,共7页 The Ocean Engineering
基金 国际海底区域研究开发"十一五"项目(DYXM-115-03-09-05) 海洋工程国家重点实验室自主研究课题(GKZD010060) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51109132) 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20110073120015)
关键词 高阶滑模控制器 模型无关 过渡过程 水下潜器 运动控制 high order sliding controller model-free transient process underwater vehicle motion control
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