目的 探讨成都市道路交通事故死亡特点,研究区域道路交通事故损伤的特点,为法医学鉴定提供依据.方法 对成都市2003~2012年5 380例道路交通事故死亡尸检资料进行回顾性分析,明确其法医学特点.结果 死者年龄多见于21~40岁;案发时间以13:00~17:00多见;损伤部位以头面部和多部位联合损伤最常见;死亡原因以交通事故意外致颅脑损伤多见,其中存在中毒、窒息及2次碾压等他杀方式伪装交通意外现象.结论 在法医学鉴定中应全面系统的尸体解剖,详细分析损伤特点,明确死亡原因、死亡方式,以及疾病、车祸及死亡之间的关系,他杀方式伪装交通意外现象不容忽视.
Objective To analyze the cause of death in road traffic accidents in Chengdu area, so as to definite the forensic characteristics for medicolegal expertise traffic accidents were retrospectively reviewed in Chengdu autopsy or cause of death reports by medicolegal expertise. Methods The data of 5380 cases in road area during 2003 - 2012, in which they had Results Most of death' s age ranged from 21 - 40, the time of the accidents was 3 to 7, The injury site was often at head or combined injury. The cause of death in traffic accidents caused by accidental head injury was more common, there also was the way of homicide such as poisoning, suffocation and secondary rolling traffic accidents. Conclusion We should hold system autopsy in road traffic accidents, so as to find out death course, mode of death, relationships between hurt and disease. And homicide disguised as traffic accidents can not be ignored.
Journal of Henan University of Science & Technology:Medical Science
road traffic accidents
wounds and iniuries
death of cause
medicolegal expertise