
深水爆炸载荷数值仿真研究 被引量:3

摘要 为了更好地研究水下爆炸载荷的特点,应用AUTODYN有限元程序,通过数值仿真得出深水水下爆炸冲击波载荷、气泡脉动载荷以及冲量,并与经验公式计算结果比较,同时分析了近场水下爆炸条件下圆形壳体结构的损伤。数值模拟得到的二次脉动压力、气泡大小、脉动周期等均与经验值接近,水下冲击波和气泡脉动的冲量大小相当,表明应用AUTODYN是研究水下爆炸现象的有效手段之一。 In order to study the features of underwater explosion load,the numerical simulation was studied for getting blast load,bubble pulsation load and explosion impulse using AUTODYN finite ele- ment program,and they were compared with empirical formulas.Damage of cylindrical steel shell induced by proximity underwater explosion was analyzed.The secondary pulse pressure,bubble size and pulsation period got from numerical simulation were equivalent approximately with empirical value.The impulse of underwater shock wave was similar with gas bubble pulsation.Applying AUTODYN was one of the effec- tive means for researching underwater explosion.
机构地区 海军潜艇学院
出处 《工程爆破》 北大核心 2013年第6期9-12,共4页 Engineering Blasting
关键词 水下爆炸 数值仿真 AUTODYN Underwater explosion Numerical simulation AUTODYN
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