

On the Bona Fide Acquisition System in Property Law of our Country
摘要 善意取得制度是民法物权中的一项重要制度,该制度是以牺牲财产所有权静的安全来保护财产交易动的安全,旨在维护交易第三人的利益,该制度以无权占有人以财产所有权的移转或其他物权的设定为目的。我国《物权法》第一次规定了善意取得制度,并且规定该制度适用于动产领域和不动产领域,这是我国物权法立法对传统物权法的重大突破和重要成果。但是《物权法》对于善意取得构成要件的规定过于简单,对各个构成要件的内涵缺乏规定,造成了法律适用和衔接上的困难,如不能和合同法有效接轨,适用范围也较为狭窄,造成对善意第三人保护缺乏法律根据。笔者试图对我国善意取得制度中的缺陷进行分析,提出了明确无权处分的概念和外延,规定无权处分合同的效力等相应的立法建议。 Aiming at maintaining the trade interests of the third person and for the purpose of the transfer of property ownership of u- nauthorized possessor or the settings of other real rights, the bona fide acquisition system is an important system of the modem real right law of civil law which sacrifices the static security of property ownership to protect the dynamic security of property dealings. The Real Right law of the People' s Republic of China provides first the bona fide acquisition system and made it applicable to the field of real es- tate and immovable property field which is a major breakthrough and achievement to traditional legislation of teal right law. But in The Real Right law of the people's Republic of China the constitutive requirements of the bona fide acquisition system are less, too simple and lack of legal regulation of the connotation each constitutive requirement, which brings about the difficulty of the application of law and le- gal convergence, such as the ineffective connection between the contract law and real right law and the applicable scope is narrow. So there is the lack of the protection of the third person. The author tries to analyze the defects of the bona fide acquisition system in The Real Right law of the People' s Republic of China and put forwards some legislation suggestions such as to make certain the concept and deno- tation of the unauthorized disposition and to regulate the validity of the contract of unauthorized disposition.
作者 蔡宏伟
出处 《湖南广播电视大学学报》 2013年第4期35-38,共4页 Journal of Hunan Radio and Television University
关键词 构成要件 无权处分 善意 合同效力 constitutive requirements unauthorized disposition bona fide validity of the contract
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