
功能性训练的科学性诠释及其运用 被引量:8

Explanation and Application of Scientific Nature of Functional Training
摘要 功能性训练的本质在于提高运动员身体的功能,即完成技术动作的能力,将运动员通过训练获得的身体素质在完成动作中表现出来。功能性训练体系中,"Olympic lifting"提高运动员功率输出能力,"Plymetric training"提高动作之间的衔接能力,核心区力量练习、稳定性训练保证训练高效。在运用时,功能性训练要以身体素质训练为基础;要遵循"力量分期训练"理论,避免运动损伤的产生;要注意动作模式难度和功能性进阶,选择好适合运动员实际水平的动作模式。 The functional training is to improve the physical quality of the athletes and enable them to complete the technical movements. In the functional training system, the Olympic lifting is to improve the power output ability of the athletes. Plymetric training is to improve the connection among movements and the efficiency of the core strength training and stability training. In the training, the functional training should be based on the physical quality train- ing. The training should follow the theory of the power stage training to avoid the physical injury. More attention should be paid to the difficulty and functional stages of the moves and the choice of the move model.
作者 崔德刚 邱芬
出处 《体育成人教育学刊》 2013年第6期78-83,共6页 Journal of Sports Adult Education
关键词 功能性训练 OLYMPIC lifIing Plymetric TRAINING 核心区力量练习 functional training Olympic lifting Plymetric training core strength training
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