实施经济生态型防护林体系建设与推广林业技术应用是推进林业生态体系和林业产业体系建设以及实施农业和农村经济可持续发展的重要手段和措施。为此我们结合科技扶贫与开发工作 ,于 1998年在大方县羊场镇穿岩村选择坡度≥ 2 5°的退耕还林地 4 30 0 0m2 ,实施科技扶贫的林业技术应用示范。依托自然植被和生态林带抚育华山松 (PinusarmandFrand )、杉木 [Cunninghamialanceolata (Lamb )Hook ]、柳杉 (CryptomeriafortuneiHooibrenkexOtto etDietr )、常绿阔叶林等林业用材树木 ,形成了 130 0 0m2 以上的生态与用材林带 ,按照经济生态型防护林体系建设原理营造 10 0 0 0m2 经济型防护林带 ,扶持农户发展经果药林 2 0 0 0 0m2 ,种植短线作物和发展多种经营 ,以短养长 ,取得了较好的生态和经济效益 ;成功的实施了撩壕整地栽培技术 ,种植存活率达到 84 %以上。实现了山区农村“生态林带”、“经果林带”、“农田防护林带”和农业生产的有机结合与协调持续发展 ,达到了近期不减收和长期增效、增后劲的可持续增产增收效果 ,这对于广大山区农村生态与经济建设和遏制返贫具有重要意义。
The economic and ecological (eco ecological) protection forest system building and popularization of forest building technology application are very effective techniques and measures for speeding up “forest ecological and forest production” system construction and realizing sustainable development of agricultural economy We selected 43000 m 2 of barren mountain slope with above 25 degrees suitable economic plant cultivation and popularized economic forest building technology application. We set an example for economic plant garden, and depended on natural vegetation and ecological forest system fostering Pinus armand Frand, Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb ) Hook , Cryptomeria fortunei Hooibrenk ex Otto et Dietr and other evergreen and broadleaf trees, etc , thus forming 13000 m 2 ecological timberland According to the principle of building eco ecological protection forest system, we constructed 10000 m 2 of economic protction forest belt and helped poor farmer plant 20000 m 2 of fruit growing and other economic trees. At the same time we cultivated crops and engaged in diversified economy, and gained good economic and ecological benefits We succeeded in implementing ditching cultivation techquies. The average planting live rate is over 84 per cent. We realized coordinated sustainable development of “ecological forest belt”, “fruit farm with other economic plant”, “ecological shelter belt for farmland” and achieved result of increasing economic benefits This example is important for the ecological construction and economic development in mountain villages
Guizhou Science
eco ecological forest
forest technical application
development oriented poverty relief and sustained development