
小黄花茶和长柱红山茶种质资源利用的研究 被引量:10

Studies on nursery stock produce technique for product market forecast of Camellia luteoflora and C. longistyla
摘要 小黄花茶 (CamellialuteofloraY .K .Li)和长柱红山茶 (C .longistylaChangapuezengetzhou)是分布极狭的贵州特有植物 ,由于其花、果、叶、形的优良观赏性状 ,因而具有观赏园艺价值和消费市场开发的需要。经过在种苗扩繁与栽培技术和产品开发与市场预测等方面进行的研究证明 ,最有效的方法及其优选模式为“组织培养 >扦插繁殖 >嫁接繁殖” ,3种途径都能形成批量苗木 ,并适合产品市场化 ,投资收益率可分别达到50 %± 30 %、50 %± 15%和 50 %± 10 % ;但由于该两种物种资源的分布狭限和稀少 ,只有在引种和繁殖一定种质资源 (原植物 )的基础上采用扦插繁殖和快速高效组织培养 ,培育基地苗木 ,再进行扩大再生产 ,组装配套流水线高技术生产作业和实现大批量苗木生产以供应市场需求。小黄花茶和长柱红山茶扦插繁殖插穗宜采用当年生刚木质化而无病虫害的健壮春梢 ,于 5~ 6月采集为宜 ,插床要求遮阴度 2 0 %~ 30 % ;用 30 0~50 0 μg/LNAA溶液浸泡 12~ 16h ,取出用清水清洗后进行扦插 ,对促进生根效果好 ,生根率可分别达到 6 5%~ 80 %和 6 0 %~ 90 % ,其中以 30 0 μg/L浓度处理的成活率最高 ,可达到 80 %以上 ;嫁接繁殖受贴木和接穗材料来源限制 ,大树嫁接和芽接两种方法获得的成活率分别达到 4 0 %。 The Camellia luteoflora and C. longistyla are endemic species in Guizhou, and their distributed zone is very narrow. Their flower, fruit, leaf and shape have very good ornamental plant feature so that it is necessary to carry out a nursery stock produce technique research and its produce market forecast for development. We are conducting an experiment research of nursery stock propagation and cultivation technique for their products development and marketing forecast. The results of analysis are: 1,The trade nursery stock produce for product development have priority way of “ tissue culture and rapid propagation” > “cutting cultivation” > “Grafting cultivation”. The 3 methods are for suitable for marketing, and their return rates are 50%±30%, 50%±15% and 50%±10%,respectively; 2,Because Camellia luteoflora and C. longistyla natural distribution is very narrow and their population is very rare, introduction or ex situ conservation of their germ plasma and cultivation of saplings are used by cutting cultivation, tissue culture technique, and rapid propagation.; 3,Robust spring twigs collectde in May or June everyyear are suitablse for cutting cultivation. Cutting bed shading degree is 20~30%. The two Camellia strike root rate difference achieve 65~80% and 60~90% by submerying in 300~500 μg/ L NAA for 12~16 hours. The effect of 300μg/ L NAA is very good and the strike root rate is ≥80%; 4,The two Camellia adopt tree grafting and bud grafting gain success. The 2 methods result for live rates are 40~52% and 76~82%; 5,Camellia luteoflora and C. longistyla can grow transplant seedlings after 60~80 days stem tip tissue culture and rapid propagation.The transplant seedling live rate is 90%; 6,By Delphi method it is calculated that Guiyang city marketing requirement growth rate is 20~15% for the two species of ornamental Camellia from 2000 to 2005 .In 2005 , the total consume demand is 6, 000, 000 yuan (Chinese currency). Every 100~150 cm high plant price will be 100~150 yuan. The marketing prospects will be bright and deserve development vigorously.
作者 邹天才
机构地区 贵州省植物园
出处 《贵州科学》 2000年第3期209-216,共8页 Guizhou Science
基金 贵州省科学技术基金资助项目
关键词 小黄花茶 长柱红山 种苗生产 扦插繁殖 种质资源 Camellia luteoflora Camellia longistyla nursery stock produce technique product marketing forecast.
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