
广东省公共图书馆残障用户服务调查 被引量:8

Investigation on Disability User Services of Public Libraries in Guangdong Province
摘要 弱势群体服务是公共图书馆建设的重点之一。根据《残障人士使用图书馆一览表》建立公共图书馆残障用户服务调查评估指标体系,对广东省市级以上公共图书馆的残障用户服务情况进行问卷调查发现:近九成的公共图书馆已有残障用户,公共图书馆必须将残障用户服务纳入其基本工作体系中,且应全面考虑不同残障群体的不同需求;公共图书馆在残障用户服务方面仍有较大的改善空间;公共图书馆在残障用户服务的管理方面的保证将有利于其服务品质的提升。 Vulnerable group services are one of the emphasis of the public library construction. Establishing the investigation and assessment indicator system of disability user services in public libraries according to Access to libraries for Persons with Disabilities-Checklist, and investigating the situation of disability user services in public libraries above the city level in Guangdong Province by questionnaire, we could find that nearly 90% public libraries have disability users, public libraries must bring disability user services into the basic working system of |ibraries, and should fu|ly consider different needs of different disability groups; public libraries have a large place for the improvement in disability user services; the guarantee of the management of disability user services will benefit to promote the quality of public library services.
出处 《图书馆建设》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第12期36-40,共5页 Library Development
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"公民权视域的社会弱势群体公共信息服务权益研究" 项目编号:12CTQ011 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目"公共服务均等化视角下的公民图书馆权利研究" 国家大学生创新训练项目"残障群体公共信息服务权益研究--以公共图书馆为中心"的成果之一
关键词 残障用户服务 公共图书馆 广东省 《残障人士使用图书馆一览表》 Disability user service Public library Guangdong province Access to Libraries for Persons with Disabilities-Checklist
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