
水资源转移利用的利益补偿测算:模型构建与应用 被引量:3

Calculation of Compensation for Water Transfer:Model and Application
摘要 水资源转移利用的利益补偿不仅关系到水资源重新配置的效率和效益的实现,同样还关系到不同用水主体之间利益的公平共享和资源的可持续利用。为科学合理地测算不同用水主体之间水资源转移利用的利益补偿额度,构建了水资源转移利用利益补偿测算模型。该模型综合考虑了合作贡献、资源投入、用水效率、风险承担和社会公正等因素对收益分配的影响,并运用粗糙层次分析法(RAHP)来确定各种指标的权重,然后在此基础上对用水收益分配和利益补偿进行测算。最后,通过诸暨陈石灌区用水转移的实例应用验证了该模型的可行性和科学有效性。同时实例研究表明实践中的农业用水主体没有充分分享到因水资源转移利用而产生的增加收益,亟待提高农业节水主体应得的利益补偿额,保障农民利益。 Water resource transfer not only affects the efficiency and effectiveness of water resource use, but also influences the fairness and sustainability of water resource use for different users. To scientifically and reasonably calculate the compensation for water resource transfer, a model which calculates compensation of water resource transfer is built in this paper. Factors including the contribution of income, the capital, efficiency of water use, the risk and the fairness for the cooperators are all synthetically considered in the model to determine the profit-sharing in the water resource transfer. The weights of influencing factors are creatively calculated by the method of rough analytical hierarchy process (RAHP). On this basis, the profit-sharing and compensation amount of the water resource transfer are calculated. The economic and social objectives are integrated in the model for calculation of compensation in water resource transfer. The social factor (social justice) included in the index system of income distribution, along with the economic factors indicators, are regarded as an objective of the decision on compensation for water resource transfer. It makes the decision-making index system in the model being closer to the practical multi-objective decision-making situations. The Chenshi Irrigation District in Zhuji city is taken as an example. The paper introduces the model which calculates compensation of water resource transfer to redesign the index system of income distribution and the interest compensation among the main bodies of the water resource transfer. The case study from Chenshi Irrigation District verified the feasibility and validity of the model. The case study shows that the weight of contribution of income and the capital on income distribution are 0.321 and 0.383 respectively which have a greater impact on income distribution than other factors. And the weight of social justice is 0.116 which also accounts for a large proportion of income distribution. Thus, the weight of social objective should be fully considered in the index system of income distribution to reasonably determine the compensation among the participating bodies in water resource transfer. And the case study also indicates that the amount of interest compensation for agricultural water resource users in practice is far less than what agricultural water resource users should gain based on the calculation result from the model. Then, it is urgent to raise the interest compensation for agricultural water resource users in water resource transfer.
作者 马永喜
出处 《自然资源学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期2178-2188,共11页 Journal of Natural Resources
基金 国家社科基金项目"水资源跨区转移的利益补偿机制研究"(13CGL093)
关键词 水资源管理 补偿测算 RAHP 利益补偿 water resource management calculation of compensation RAHP interestcompensation
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