
劳动力转移对资本回报率影响的机制分析与实证研究 被引量:1

The Effect of Labor Transfer on the Return to Capital Mechanism Analysis and Empirical Test
摘要 在我国提出大力发展城镇化的背景下,我国资本回报率是否可以支撑城镇化即将带来的大量固定资本投资?本文构造了一个两部门模型,并结合中国的省际数据和多重代理变量方法从理论机制和实证研究两方面证明了:由于劳动力从农村部门向现代部门转移,资本回报率有可能出现随资本存量增加而先递增后递减的趋势,即如果城镇化可以拉动劳动力的持续转移,那么固定资本投资在一段时期内将有较高的资本回报率作为支持。 Along with urbanization has been put forward by the new govern- ment as one of the most important policies in the next few years, while some peo- ple are worrying about the over investment problem could be aggravated. This pa- per constructs a dual-economy model in which the return on capital is of inverse-U shape. The factors are capital concentration, labor mobility and scale economy. We calculate the Chinese provincial return on capital and use the Chinese provincial data to test the model. The results show that if the urbanization policy can make people transfer from the traditional sectors to modern sectors, then the return to capital may not fall. The investment driven by urbanization has high return to capital as a support.
作者 罗知 郭熙保
出处 《数量经济技术经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期93-111,共19页 Journal of Quantitative & Technological Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71103131 71373186) 武汉大学自主科研项目(110340)的资助
关键词 经济结构转型 劳动力转移 资本回报率 Structural Transformation of the Economy~ Labor Transfer~ Re-turn to Capital
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