The thermospheric densities at the altitude of 410km during the geomagnetic storm on Nov. 20--21, 2003 are calculated by NCAR-TIEGCM model, and the results are compared and ana- lyzed with the observational data from CHAMP/STAR. The results show that the model can exactly represent the distribution and variation of the density during geomagnetic storm, and the model results have a good consistency with the CHAMP data in trends and orders. But some differences do exist in detailed structure and magnitude. The model underestimated the increases of the density during geomagnetic storm with the values of 100%~125%, instead of the 250%~400% observed by CHAMP. The deviations between the model and CHAMP at high latitude are bigger than those of low latitude, and dayside bigger than nightside. It is also found that the density disturbance during geomagnetic storm presents day-night asymmetry and Southern-Northern hemisphere asymmetry. The model can exactly represent the propagation of the density disturbance from high latitude to low latitude, and the time delay in response of the density to geomagnetic storm.
Chinese Journal of Space Science