Based on Merriam-Webster^s Collegiate Dictionary (Eleventh Edition), Oxford Dictionary of English (Third Edi- tion) and Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner' s Dictionary, we gather all the ' -ing' adjectives and their corresponding verbs. Our analysis shows that there are five types of meaning change: keeping, shifting, expanding, narrowing, narrow-shifting and that the meanings of the adjectives are of three kinds : 1 ) actions and behaviours ; 2 ) feelings and evaluations ; 3 ) ongoing conditions. We also probe into the motivations of the transformation: 1 ) the principle of similar association, which involves four types of metaphors ; 2) the principle of adjacent association, which involves two major/ten minor types of metonymies ; 3 ) the principle of memory accessibility; 4) the principle of highlighting feeling and evaluation; 5 ) the principle of narrowing meaning through fixed collocation; 6) the principle of '-ing' and '-ed' transformations from the same source verb leading to different meanings.
Foreign Language Education