目的 :探讨一氧化氮 (NO)和内皮素 (ET 1)在妊高征发病中的作用及其对胎儿生长发育的影响。方法 :采用比色法和放射免疫法对正常妊娠妇女 2 7例 ,正常未孕组 2 0例 (对照组 ) ,妊高征患者 5 2例 (妊高征组 )的血浆、新生儿脐血 (2 3例 )中NO和ET 1水平进行检测。结果 :妊高征组ET 1水平较对照组高 ,以中重度妊高征组增高显著 (P <0 .0 1)。NO水平较对照组低 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 5 )。在中重度妊高征者中 ,合并胎儿生长发育迟缓组 (IUGR)母血和新生儿脐血ET 1水平明显高于未合并IUGR组。NO水平则明显低于未合并IUGR组。结论 :NO的合成、释放减少与内皮细胞损伤ET 1释放增加 ,在妊高征发病中起重要作用。并且影响胎儿的生长发育。
Objective:To investigate the role of nitric oxide (NO)and endothelin(ET-1) in the pathogenesis of pregnancy induced hypertension(PIH) and influence of fetus development. Methods:In 52 cases of PIH the plasma concentration of ET-1 was measured by RIA,and NO was measured by colorinetry.27 normal pregnant women served as control group. Results:The levels of plasma ET-1 in patients with PIH were signitficantly higher htan those in healthy pregnancies (P<0.01).There was a positive correlation between the plasma ET-1 level and degree of PIH,the higher the ET-1 level,the severer the PIH,The levels of plasma NO in patients with moderate and severe PIH decreased singifcantly than those in healthy pregnancy (P<0.05),Umbilical blook ET-1 levels in PIH with intrauterine growth retardation(IUGR) were significantly higher than those in PIH without IUGR,however NO were decreased.Conclusion:Our study demonstrated and increase of ET-1 level and decread of NO level in maternal plasma with PIH the results may have an effect and the pathogenesis of PIH and fetal development.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity