目的利用有限元分析法,比较Carriere Distalizer矫治器作用时,加载于尖牙不同高度的牵引力对上颌组牙应力分布及位移的影响。方法构建Carriere Distalizer矫治器作用模式的三维有限元模型,分别以6个不同牵引高度加载,加载力值均为150 g,分析上颌尖牙和磨牙应力分布及位移的差异。结果六个载荷点下无论尖牙还是磨牙,其应力和位移变化几近相同,应力及位移曲线表现为完美的重叠线;不同尖牙牵引钩高度,对尖牙牙颈部应力的影响主要表现在远中侧和颊侧,对磨牙牙颈部的影响主要表现在近中侧和颊侧。二者对腭侧的影响均为最小。结论 CD牵引钩高度的变化对尖牙应力及位移影响趋势和强度趋同;对磨牙的影响趋势一致,但强度不同,呈递进态势。
Objective Through finite -element analysis, to compare the influences of Carriere Distalizer with different load height which acting on the maxillary group teeth. Methods To build a 3D finite - element model of Carriere Distalizer on computer to compare the Von Mises stress and displacement, under 150 g forces loaded with different canine hook height and to analyze maxillary canine and molar Stress distribution and displacement differences. Resuits The canine stress and displacement has the same intension and affection as well as the molar with the change of CD traction hooks' height, which stress and displacement curves showed a perfect overlapping lines; to canine, the stress is mainly in the distal and buccal side, and to molar, is in the mesial and buccal side. Both are on the palate side effects minimized. Conclusion To canine with different hook height, the trend and intensity of stress and displacement were same, and on molar, it was the same trend and different intensity is aseending with different hooks' height.
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