
MCM2、Ki67、CyclinD1在甲状腺滤泡性癌和滤泡性腺瘤组织中的表达及与Galectin-3、CK19的对比研究 被引量:7

Expressions of MCM2,Ki67,CyclinD1 in Follicular Carcinoma and Follicular Adenoma of the Thyroid and the Comparison with Galectin-3 and CK19
摘要 目的探讨MCM2、Ki67、CyclinD1在甲状腺滤泡性癌和甲状腺滤泡性腺瘤组织中表达的意义,并与Galectin-3、CK19进行对比。方法应用免疫组织化学EnVision法检测32例甲状腺滤泡性癌及23例甲状腺滤泡性腺瘤组织中MCM2、Ki67、CyclinD1、Galectin-3和CK19的表达情况。结果 MCM2、Ki67、CyclinD1的阳性率在甲状腺滤泡性癌组织中分别为96.9%、46.9%、96.9%,在甲状腺滤泡性腺瘤中分别为65.2%、26.1%、100.0%,两者MCM2的阳性率比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=9.799,P=0.002),而两者Ki67和CyclinD1的阳性率比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.450、0.732,P=0.118、0.392)。在滤泡性癌和滤泡性腺瘤组织中,MCM2、ki67、CyclinD1者的标志指数分别为(31.51±19.43)和(11.12±10.79)、(6.58±6.40)和(4.03±5.14)、(50.00±21.70)和(40.33±22.55),MCM2的标志指数比较差异有统计学意义(t=10.522,P<0.001),Ki67和CyclinD1的标志指数比较差异无统计学意义(t=1.589、1.634,P=0.122、0.115)。Galectin-3和CK19的阳性率在滤泡性癌组织中分别为62.5%和75.0%,在滤泡性腺瘤组织中分别为26.1%和60.9%,Galectin-3的阳性率比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.118,P=0.008),CK19的阳性率比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=1.251,P=0.263)。结论 MCM2、Galectin-3在甲状腺滤泡性癌与滤泡性腺瘤组织中的表达有明显差异,对两者的诊断和鉴别诊断有价值,而Ki67、CyclinD1、CK19则无价值。 Objective To study the expression significance of minichromosome maintenance protein 2 (MCM2) , Ki67, CyclinD1 in follicular carcinoma and follicular aclenoma of the thyroid, and compare them with Galectin-3 and CK19. Methods Immunohistoehemical staining was used to detect the MCM2, Ki67, CyelinD1, Galeetin-3 and CK19 in the 32 eases of follicular carcinoma and the 23 eases of follicular adenoma. Results The positive rates of MCM2, Ki67, CyclinD1 were 96.9% , 46.9%, 96.9% in the follicular carcinoma, and were 65.2%, 26. 1%, 100.0% in the follicular adenoma. The difference of MCM2 between the follicular carcinoma and the follicular adeno- ma of was statistically significant (X2 = 9. 799, P = 0.002), the difference of Ki67 and CyclinD1 between the follicular carcinoma and the follicular adenoma was not statistically significant (X2 = 2. 450, 0.732; P = 0.118, 0. 392). In the follicular carcinoma and the follicular adenoma, the MCM2 index was (31.51 ±19.43 ) and ( 11.12 ±10.79 ), whereas the Ki67 index was (6.58 ±6.40) and (4.03 ±5.14), the CyelinD1 index was ( 50.00 ±21.70) and (40.33 ± 22.55 ). There was a significant difference in the MCM2 index between the follicular carcinoma and the follicular adenoma (t = 10. 522, P 〈 0. 001 ) , but not in the Ki67 and the CyclinD1 ( t = 1. 589,1. 634 ; P = 0. 122, 0. 115). The positive rates of Galectin-3 and CK19 were 62.5% and 75.0% in the follicular carcinoma, and were 26.1% and 60.9% in the follicular adenoma, the difference of Galectin-3 was statistically significant (X2 = 7.118, P = 0. 008) ; but not in the CK19 (X2 = 1.251, P = 0. 263 ). Conclusion MCM2 and Galeetin-3 are helpful markers for differentiating follicular carcinoma and follicular adenoma, but not Ki67, CyclinD1, CK19.
出处 《肿瘤基础与临床》 2013年第6期464-468,共5页 journal of basic and clinical oncology
关键词 甲状腺滤泡性癌 甲状腺滤泡性腺瘤 免疫组织化学 微型染色体维持蛋白2 KI67 CYCLIND1 GALECTIN-3 CK19 follicular carcinoma follicular adenoma immunohistoehemistry miniehromosome maintenance protein 2 Ki67 CyelinD1 Galectin-3 CK19
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