
球床型固体燃料熔盐堆计算软件开发 被引量:5

Software Development for Pebble-bed MSR Calculation
摘要 熔盐堆是第四代核能系统中唯一的液体燃料反应堆,在安全性、经济性、核不扩散、核废料嬗变和钍燃料增殖特性方面与其他反应堆相比具有很大的优势。目前国内的熔盐堆主要有两种堆型:液态燃料熔盐堆和球床式固体燃料熔盐堆。本文考虑到球床熔盐堆燃料球的双重非均匀性特点研究了其组件均匀化方法。基于SISXTUS三维六角形节块程序开发了堆芯燃料管理程序BORAGE,并进行了数值验证。验证结果表明,本文所开发的程序具有很好的精度和效率,可用于熔盐堆稳态计算。 Molten salt reactor (MSR), the unique liquid fuel reactor in the fourth generation nuclear power system, has great advantages in terms of inherent safety, neutron economy, nuclear non-proliferation, nuclear waste transmutation and thorium fuel breeding, compared with other solid fuel reactors. At present, there are two main types of molten salt reactor in domestic. Hexagonal assembly MSR and pebble-bed MSR. In this paper, the pebble-bed MSR fuel sphere homogenization method was studied with double heterogeneity characteristics taken into consideration, and the core fuel management code BORAGE was developed based on SIXTUS 3-D hexagonal node diffusion code. Numerical results suggest that the developed code achieves good accuracy, efficiency and can be used in MSR steady analytical calculation.
出处 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第B12期463-466,共4页 Atomic Energy Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(91226106)
关键词 熔盐堆 堆芯燃料管理 六角形节块 双重非均匀性 MSR core fuel management hexagon node double heterogeneity
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