
形成性评估在基本生命支持技能培训中的应用和思考 被引量:1

Application of formative assessment in basic life support education and its reflection
摘要 目的观察形成性评估对医学生学习基本生命支持(basic life support,BLS)技能的影响。方法206名医学生随机分入对照组(c组,100人)与试验组(F组,106人)。BLS理论课后,C组接受45min技能培训,培训结束后接受BLS技能评估(培训后评估)。而F组在培训前先接受BLS技能评估(一种形成性评估);之后,依据其在培训前评估中的操作给予15rain反馈,随后进行30minBLS技能培训。培训结束后F组再次接受BLS技能评估。两组培训后技能评估平均成绩采用Student’S—t—test进行比较,P〈0.05表示差异有统计学意义。结果培训后评估中F组成绩(85.2±7.3)分优于C组(68.2±13.2)分,差异有统计学意义(P=0.00)。结论形成性评估可以显著提高医学生BLS技能培训成绩。 Objective To investigate the effect of formative assessment on skill acquisition of basic life support (BLS) among medical students. Methods Totally 206 undergraduates were ran- domized into control group (C group) and interventional group (F group). A BLS lecture was given in both groups. And then, 45 min BLS training and BLS skill assessment (after training) were given in C group. Undergraduates in F group received BLS skill assessment (formative assessment) before training, and 15 min feedback was delivered based on the assessment, then 30 rain BLS training was conducted. Skills assessment was conducted again in F group after the training. Student's-t-test was used to compare the difference of skills between the two groups and P〈0.05 signifies statistically sig- nificant differences. Results Score of F group (85.2±7.3) were higher than that in C group (68.2 ± 13.2), with statistical difference. Conclusion A formative assessment could significantly improve skill acquisition of BLS among medical students.
出处 《中华医学教育探索杂志》 2013年第11期1088-1091,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research
关键词 基本生命支持 模拟教学 形成性评估 Basic life support Simulation-based medical education Formative assessment
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