
负性情绪注意偏向的快慢效应研究 被引量:2

A Research on Fast and Slow Effects of Attentional Bias Towards Negative Emotions
摘要 情绪的注意偏向究竟是对情绪刺激的优先注意,还是指向情绪刺激的注意难以解脱,又或是两者兼有,之前的研究结果存在一定的分歧.利用情绪stroop范式,通过两个实验研究了情绪注意偏向的加工机制.实验一采取伪随机方式安排实验材料,研究了负性情绪stroop慢效应,发现中性词的反应时慢于负性词,验证了慢效应的存在;实验二进行了情绪stroop快效应和慢效应的分离,发现中性词后负性词的反应时慢于中性词后中性词的反应时,说明快效应显著;负性词后中性词的反应时慢于中性词后中性词的反应时,说明慢效应也显著.这两个实验结果显示,非临床被试也存在负性情绪注意偏向,并且注意偏向的两个成分可以同时出现. Ambiguity exists in determining whether attentional biases are comprised of facilitated attention to emotions,difficulty in disengagement from emotions,or both.This article investigated this mechanism of attentional bias with emotional stroop task.In the experiment 1,a pseudorandom pattern was used and slow effect was shown to find that emotional stimuli were responded to faster than neutral stimuli.While in the experiment 2,that participants reacted slower to negative than to neutral stimuli in trials following neutral stimuli,and reacted slower to neutral stimuli following negative stimuli than to neutral stimuli following neutral stimuli.The evidence was founded that there were marked fast and slow effects of negative emotions.A conclusion could be drawn that a two-component attentional bias towards negative emotions did exist in the nonclinical group.
出处 《内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学汉文版)》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第6期724-729,共6页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30960106/C090101) 内蒙古高等学校科学研究项目(NJC07037)
关键词 负性情绪 注意偏向 快效应 慢效应 negative emotions attentional bias fast effect slow effect
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