

The Asymmetric Effect of Cross-Language Priming on Different Semantic Relationships
摘要 采用非掩蔽启动范畴判断任务范式,通过改变启动刺激与目标刺激关系,考察了非熟练蒙英双语者第二语言英语和第一语言蒙语的语义通达特点.结果表明,启动刺激与目标刺激为翻译关系和语义联想关系时,都存在蒙语对英语的启动效应,而未发现英语对蒙语的启动效应,提示蒙语和英语为概念共享,但不同的启动方向为非对称性.实验结果符合分布式表征模型观点. By manipulating the relationships between the priming and target words,the present study explored how the less proficient Mongolian-English bilinguals' second language accesses the conceptual representation.The results shown that there were significant cross-language priming effects in the L1 to L2 priming direction under all conditions,however no the significant cross-language priming effects in the L2 to Llpriming direction.The study indicated that conceptual representations for less proficient bilinguals are shared.The findings of the two experiments manifested the asymmetrical pattern of cross-language priming.
出处 《内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学汉文版)》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第6期730-734,共5页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30960106/C090101) 内蒙古高等学校科学研究项目(NJC07037) 内蒙古心理教育研究中心资助项目(YJS003)
关键词 非熟练双语 跨语言启动 范畴判断任务 概念表征 less proficient Mongolia bilingual cross-language priming effect semantic category task semantic representation
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