
从环境权到国家环境保护义务和环境公益诉讼 被引量:195

From Environmental Rights to Environmental Protection Obligations of the State and Environmental Public Interest Litigation
摘要 综合性的环境法律应以规范政府环境行为为主,从确认公众(主要是自然人)的环境权出发,规定国家的环境保护义务和环境公益诉讼制度;应明确"传统环境侵权责任、传统环境民事诉讼、传统行政诉讼"与"新型环境侵权责任、新型环境公益民事诉讼、新型环境公益行政诉讼"的联系与区别,明确"环境利益"、"环境损害"和"环境损害责任"的概念。环境权是维护公众环境利益的法律基础和依据;损害作为公众共用物的环境,就是侵犯公众的环境利益,就是侵犯公众的环境权;环境公益诉讼是因侵犯环境权而引起的诉讼,是对受到侵犯的环境权进行救济的主要途径;公民为了维护其环境权而提起环境公益诉讼,就是为了保护作为公众共用物的环境而提起诉讼。 The comprehensive environmental law should mainly regulate governments' environmental ac- tion, starting from the determination of environmental rights of the public ( primarily to natural person), then regulating corresponding obligations of the state and environmental public interest litigation. The differences and connections between traditional environmental tort and new environmental tort, traditional civil environmental action and new civil environmental public interest litigation, traditional administrative proceeding and new ad- ministrative public interest litigation, also the concept of environmental interests, environmental damage and the responsibility for environmental damage should be made clear. Environmental rights are the legal basis for safeguarding the environmental interest. When environment, as commons, is damaged, environmental interest of public is infringed, and the environmental rights are infringed too. Environmental public interest litigation should be started when environmental rights are infringed, which is a primary remedy for infringed environmental rights. Environmental public interest litigation started by citizens for environmental rights is actually a kind of litigation for the purpose of protecting commons of environment.
作者 蔡守秋
出处 《现代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期3-21,共19页 Modern Law Science
基金 2010年度国家社会科学基金重点项目"加快推进生态文明建设的法律问题研究"(10A2D008)
关键词 环境权 国家环境义务 政府环境责任 环境公益诉讼 《环境保护法》修改 environmental right environmental obligation of the state environmental responsibility of the government environmental public interest litigation amendment to China' s Environmental Protection Act
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