

Clinical observation of mid-and-long term effect after implantation of Verisyse intraocular lens curing high myopia
摘要 目的通过对比分析有晶状体眼植人人工晶状体治疗高度近视患者术前及术后至少5年以上术眼的视力、视功能、角膜内皮计数、并发症等结果,评价该治疗方法的长期有效性及安全性。方法对2005—2007年在大连医科大学附属第一医院眼科就诊并随访超过5年的有晶状体眼人工晶状体植入治疗高度近视患者10例18只眼,进行裸眼视力,最佳矫正视力,调节幅度,眼压,角膜内皮细胞计数等指标的检测分析。结果术后裸眼视力(UCVA)0.73±0.27,术后最佳矫正视力(BCVA)0.94±0.21,15只眼(占83.3%)BCVA较术前提高1行以上,术后调节幅度(7.5±1.72)D,均较术前大幅提高。术后5年角膜内皮计数(3106.61±430.29)个/mm2,较术前有所减少。术后眼压(14.57±2.50)mmHg。并发症:2只眼分别于术后4年半和6年人工晶状体脱位,取出品状体后,BCVA未丢失,1只眼术后2年视网膜脱离,行手术视网膜复位并且保留了原人工晶状体。结论Vefisyse人工晶状体植人治疗高度近视长期效果观察,结果显示尚安全有效,更多的病例和更长期的结果尚需观察。 Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of implantation Verisyse intraocular lens for high myopia, through comparing visual acuity, visual function, endothelium number, complications of postoperation. Methods Ten cases (18 eyes) received Verisyse IOL at least 5 years were collected, and the UCVA, BCVA, amplitude of accommodation, IOP, mean count of endothelium were checked for them. Results Post-op UCVA: 0.73±0.27; post-op BCVA: 0.94±0.21; 15 eyes (83.3%) BCVA were improved one line or more than pre-op; post-op amplitude of accommodation: 7.5D a: 1.72D, all these were improved than that of pre-op. Post-op mean count of endothelium: 3106.61±430.29/mm2, which decreased compared with that of pre-op. Post-op lOP: 14.57±2.50mmHg. Complications Verisyse PIOL dislocated with 2 eyes had been removed, and BCVA wasn't lost. Another eye suffered retinal detachment, after operation the retina was reconstructed. Conclusions The long period observation of Verisyse PIOL implantation for high myopia is effective and safety. More cases and longer time follow-up should be confirmed further.
出处 《中国实用眼科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期1573-1575,共3页 Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology
关键词 VERISYSE 有晶状体眼人工晶状体植入 Verisyse Intraocular lens implantation for phakic eye
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