

Therapy for Barrett's esophagus in endoscope by argon plasma coagulation
摘要 目的探讨氩等离子凝固术(APC)治疗Barrett’s食管(BE)后是否复发以及严重程度。方法观察APC治疗后患者食管下段BE黏膜的内镜变化、BE复发率和再治疗率。结果全年内镜检查13 926人中,检出可疑BE患者690例,占就诊人群的1.96%,占接受内镜检查患者的4.95%。接受治疗的患者265例,占可疑BE的38.41%。内镜下组织活检30例,占可疑BE例数的4.35%,全部符合BE病理诊断。术后1个月复发BE例数11例,占总治疗例数的4.15%,术后3月复发BE例数3例,占治疗总例数的1.13%;术后6月复发BE例数2例,占治疗总例数的0.75%;术后1年复发BE例数3例,占总治疗例数的1.13%,内镜下可见明显改变,病变上延最高达食管27 cm处。结论 APC治疗BE后出现柱状上皮肠化生复发率较高,非常有必要持续对这些患者进行观察随访。可疑BE的治疗指征、APC治疗BE的适应证及时机有待进一步研究。 Objective To discuss whether recurrence and severity of argon plasma coagulation (APC) in treatment of Barrett' s esophagus (BE). Methods Patients treated successfully by APC for BE were followed by endoscopic sur- veillance according to a defined protocol. Recurrent or persistent intestinal metaplasia were analyzed. Results Two hun- dred and sixty-five patients were coagulated successfully, and derived from 690 patients with BE by endoscope in 13 926 patients. A total of 150 follow-up endoscopies were performed (follow-up rate: 56.60% ). The follow-up period was 1 12 months. Recurrent/persistent intestinal metaplasia was detected in 11 patients (RR, recurrence rate: 4.15% ) after 1 month, 3 patients (RR = 1. 13%) after 3 months, 2 patients (RR =0.75%) after 6 months, 3 patients (RR = 1.13% ) after 12 months. Endoscopically visible recurrence in the tubular esophagus was seen in 3 patients. Endoscopic visible lesions flange extended to 27 cm. Conclusion Recurrent/persistent intestinal metaplasia after successful APC of BE is relatively common. This finding has implications for the continued surveillance of patients who were treated suc- cessfully. The indications of treatment for endoscopic suspicious BE and the optimal timing of APC are worthy of further investigation.
出处 《胃肠病学和肝病学杂志》 CAS 2013年第12期1187-1191,共5页 Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
关键词 Barrett's食管 贲门裂孔疝 反流性食管炎 食管腺癌 Barrett' s esophagus Cardia hiatal hernia Reflux esophagitis Adenocarcinoma of esophagus
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