
参考价格影响下创新产品高价格符号失效的实证研究 被引量:1

An Empirical Study on How the High-price Effects of Innovative Product Lose Effectiveness under the Influences of Reference Price
摘要 企业希望通过产品创新摆脱激烈的同质化竞争,并以此获得更多的利润。企业的产品创新实质上是为了摆脱消费者价格判断中的锚定依赖,从而建立并维持消费者支付意愿分布的离散状态,形成一部分消费者的高支付意愿,建立产品的高价格符号。实证研究发现近似参照产品的参考价格是否存在、参照产品与创新产品的相似程度,都会影响到消费者支付意愿分布的离散性,从而影响到企业通过产品创新形成高价格符号的有效性。 Enterprises expect to get out of fierce competition of homogeneous products and make more profit through product innovation. The essence of product innovation is to disengage from the anchoring effect in consumers' price judgment process. Through establishing and maintaining the divergence state of consumers' willingness to pay the innovative product could see some consumers with high willingness to pay. Studies have found the reference price of similar products and the de- gree of similarity between innovative product and reference product would impact the distribution of WTP therefore influence the effectiveness of high-price sign created in the process of innovation.
作者 陈立彬 江林
出处 《价格月刊》 北大核心 2013年第9期79-82,共4页
基金 教育部人文社科资助项目(项目编号:12YJC630013) 国家社科基金资助项目(项目编号:11BJY118)
关键词 支付意愿分布 参考价格 产品创新 相似产品 离散性 distribution of willingness to pay reference price product innovation similar product convergency
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