
细毛羊放牧春秋季采食量的差异研究 被引量:5

The Feed Intake Differences of Fine- wool Sheep Grazing in Spring and Autumn
摘要 【目的】采食量的高低是影响放牧家畜生产性能的一个重要因素。【方法】试验以放牧条件下的新疆细毛羊为研究对象,分别测定春、秋季节的牧草营养成分,用全收粪法和外源指示剂法测定绵羊采食量,比较不同季节和不同方法的差异。【结果】用全收粪法测得春、秋两季的排粪量分别为(843.15±0.17)(g·d)和(1 147.81±0.14)(g·d),用外源指示剂测定的分别为(807.39±0.28)g·d和(1 090.42±0.23)g·d,两种方法差异不显著(P>0.05)。春季和秋季绵羊的放牧采食量分别为(1 391.57±230.40)g/d-1和(2 107.62±170.42)g/d-1,两季间差异极显著(P<0.01);牧草干物质消化率分别为(39.41±0.16)%、(45.54±0.01)%,两季间差异极显著(P<0.01)。【结论】用全收粪法和外源指示剂法测得的放牧绵羊排粪量差异不显著,可以用外源指示剂法代替全收粪法测定放牧绵羊的排粪量。不同季节牧草营养成分和采食量差异极显著。 [Objective] The level of feed intake is an important factor that affects the performance of grazing livestock production.[Method] Xinjiang fine-wool sheep grazing conditions were taken as the test subjects to measure spring and autumn forage nutrients,and the total feces collection method and foreign aid indicator method were applied to measure the sheep feed intake in order to compare differences between different seasons and different methods.[Result] The total feces collection method measured the defecation in spring and autumn were 843.15 ±0.17 and 1 147.81 ±0.14 g · d,foreign aid indicator measurement were 807.39 ±0.28 and 1 090.42 ±0.23 g · d,the difference was not significant (P 〉0.05).391.57 ± 230.40 and 2 107.62 ± 170.42 (g/d-1) in spring and autumn sheep grazing feed intake were highly significant (P 〈0.01),the difference between the two quarters; forage dry matter digestibility was(39.41 ±0.16)% and (45.54 ± 0.01)%,the difference between the two quarters was extremely significant (P 〈 0.01).[Conclusion] The difference of the fecal output of grazing sheep measured by total feces collection method and foreign aid indicator method was not significant,and foreign aid indicator method could replace the total feces collection method to measure the sheep fecal output.There is a great difference between different seasons forage nutrients and feed intake.
出处 《新疆农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期1340-1346,共7页 Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项"新疆牧区家庭牧场资源优化配置技术模式试验与示范"(201003019) 国家绒毛用羊产业技术体系放牧草地生态岗位项目(CARS-40-09B)
关键词 采食量 消化率 排粪量 feed intake the digestibility defecating amount
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