新建设的EAST 4.6GHz低杂波系统的真空室要求具有100mm的移动距离,同时必须有非常稳固的基础和绝对可靠的限位机构。为达到远高于普通型材的结构强度,设计了支撑架、固定地脚和限位机构三种不同结构型式的高强度焊接支撑,所用材料均为316L不锈钢。三种结构分别为方钢框架结构、塞焊复合型材结构和"日"字形梁门式塞焊焊接结构。ANSYS有限元结构分析显示这几种结构强度远大于实际工况要求,可以很好地保证低杂波系统的稳定、稳固和可靠。
Presently, a remote steering antenna is building for 4.6GHz lower hybrid wave system on EAST, which needs 100mm movable distance and very strong basis as well as absolutely reliable limiting stroke. For reliable structure strength better than any section bar, this paper presents 3 kinds of different high-strength welding holder and support, which are named as support frame, fixed foundation, limiting stroke. All of them are made of 316L stainless steel. Three types of welding structures are employed designed as frame structure, plug-welding structure and portal strengthened square steel welding component. Result computed by ANSYS shows that structure strengthen of 3 supports is stable and firmly reliable.
Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics